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City of Elk City Employee Policy Handbook (2022)

The City welcomes you to the organization and encourages you to read and become familiar with the contents of this Employee Handbook. You will find that it contains helpful and valuable information about policies, rules, regulations, benefits, procedures and opportunities available to you as an employee of the City. It is also intended to be a guide in assisting you in performing your duties and responsibilities for the City to the best of your ability and in aiding you in developing and realizing your potential as a valued employee. ...

File Details
  • File Size: 0.00 KB
  • File Types: pdf
  • Version:
  • File Count: 1
  • Download Count: 5982
  • New Date: February 3, 2022
  • Updated Date: February 3, 2022
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Employee Handbook 02012022Download
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City of Elk City Employee Policy Handbook (2022)