Storm Shelter Registration Form

Use this form to register your storm shelter within the Elk City, Oklahoma, city limits with the Elk City Fire Department.  This will help emergency services locate your storm shelter in case of a natural disaster.  

    * Required

    First Name*

    Last Name*



    Address*physical address, include number and street (Example: 303 W. 3rd St.)

    What type of Shelter is it?*In-Ground, Above Ground, Safe Room, Basement

    Shelter Location?*Backyard, In house safe room, In the garage, North side of the house)

    What is the capacity or size of the Shelter?*

    How many people in household?*

    How many in household under 16?*

    How many in household over 64?*

    Anyone in household need special accommodations?*
    mobility issues, wheelchair, on oxygen, hearing or visually impared, etc.