Rick Shelton
2015 – Present: Commissioner Ward 4
2019 – Present: Mayor Pro Tem
Member of 2nd & Adams Church of Christ.
1957 at less than 1 year old moved to Elk City with his parents, 2 brothers and 1 sister from a farm East of Hammon.
1966 at age 10 started working for Elk City Daily News as a paper carrier. Working his way thru different positions to the production manager.
1974 Graduated Elk City High School.
1977 Married Karen Carter (also lifelong Elk City resident with her family)
They have 3 children and 4 grandchildren all making Elk City home.
1979 while still working for the Elk City Daily News, became a volunteer fireman with Elk City.
1980 started a career as a full-time firefighter working thru the ranks of driver positions, lieutenant, captain, assistant chief and served 14 years as Fire Chief.
June 2014 retired with over 35 years with Elk City Fire Department.
Also serving and contributing as: Elk City Director of Oklahoma Department of Emergency Management; SWODA Six-County 911 Board Member; Beckham County Board of Adjustments; International Association of Arson Investigators; Beckham County Fire Fighters Association; Chairman for local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC); Ambulance placed in fire department in 2003; Lowering Elk City’s insurance rating to a “3” which is excellent; Partnership with Western Technology Centers (Elk City Campus) All Hazards Training Grounds; Partnership with Air Evac base location in Elk City; Firewise Community; Storm Ready Community; Currently Farm & Raise Cattle